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Showing posts from June, 2022

The Importance of Multidimensional Marketing in A Dynamic World

  Multidimensional marketing expert and air and sea show executive producer Mickey Markoff weighs in. Photo by  Diego PH  on  Unsplash The only constant in life is change. Business and industry is no exception, marketing included. As technology has advanced, so too have the ways we have approached business and marketing to prospective customers. But remaining competitive in a dynamic landscape comes with its challenges, and an ability to navigate uncertain waters. The pandemic provided a perfect example of the requirement for all to thrive during times of uncertainty. How do we stay connected when we quite literally cannot connect in the physical world? For those industries which were more customer-facing by design, this posed an immediate problem. For those who may have already had a toe in the digital world, the pandemic threw them straight into the deep end and expected them to swim. Physical companies were expected to go digital, and digital to go even  more  digital. If it sounds