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 Mickey Markoff 2024 Air Sea Exec — photo of US army parachute jump in sky with yellow army parachute and american flag

This article was previously published by Mickey Markoff on his additional website.

It is one thing to read history in the books, and it is another thing to make it. Of course, for many, when they are simply living their lives, it can be hard to know that one is writing a new chapter. For those brave souls in the U.S. army in 1940, however, they were well aware they were making history. August 16, 1940 was a proud day in the United States, and marked the first official U.S. Army parachute jump. This was a humble beginning of the combination between aerial and ground combat forces that laid the groundwork for countless other to follow in their footsteps, or leaps into the unknown.

Although the 1940s marked a monumental day in aviation, it wasn’t until decades later that the event was memorialized and recognized formally. National Airborne Day was designated by the U.S. Congress and created by George W. Bush to honor those airborne forces who broke new ground on August 16, 1940. Leaping into the unknown is a brave feat for anyone, but those who quite literally took the great leap into the skies on this day set a new precedent. The U.S. army jumping from aircraft cemented the practice of the armed forces providing pivotal support in combat and relief operations worldwide. Airborne operations forever changed the nature of combat in real life, as well as how we depict the practice on the silver screen.

Hyundai Air and Sea Show: A Modern-Day Tribute

Over the years, the significance of airborne operations has been showcased through various mediums, from combat footage to movies, and even major public events. Among the most notable of these is the Hyundai Air and Sea Show, an event that brings together the best of airborne and naval demonstrations in a spectacle of defense prowess and technological advancements.

Mickey Markoff, the executive producer of the Hyundai Air and Sea Show, has been a pivotal force behind the event. Markoff understands well the net worth of taking risks and leaping into the unknown. Markoff’s dedication to producing a show that not only entertains but also educates the masses about the might and importance of the U.S. armed forces has ensured the show’s perennial success. The airborne operations featured at the show are a testament to the rich history and continued relevance of the airborne forces. The Navy’s Blue Angels make a prominent feature in the skies on a regular basis, and they were event present when the 2020 Hyundai Air and Sea Show was cancelled due to COVID-19. However, the spirit remained undeterred. In a tribute to the frontline healthcare workers, a special Blue Angels flyoverwas organized, bringing to the fore the very essence of the show — honoring heroes, whether they fight wars abroad or battles at home. For the “av geeks” out there, check out the radio broadcasts during the flyover!

From Chicago to Miami: A History of Aerial Displays

The roots of the Air and Sea Show in South Florida trace back to the Lakeshore Air and Water Show in ChicagoMickey Markoff, recognizing the immense potential of this event, introduced the concept of public-private sponsorship, flipping the concept of net worth and ROI on its head. This game-changing move ensured that the shows received the backing they needed, both in terms of resources and reach.

After establishing the model in Chicago, Markoff expanded the horizon by bringing the same concept to Miami Beach, evolving into the Hyundai Air and Sea Show we know today. Throughout its iterations, from past sponsors like McDonald’s to the present stalwart , the essence has remained constant: celebrating and honoring the heroes of our nation.

Honoring the Heroes: More Than a Show-A Mission

Bringing back the true spirit of Memorial Day has always been an important feature of the Air and Sea Show, since the event’s inception.

“There is no better time than Memorial Day to pay tribute to those that paid the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our freedom” — Mickey Markoff

Honoring our nation’s heroes and those who have sacrificed their freedoms in pursuit of our nation’s freedoms has always been the foundational mission behind the Air and Sea Show, and this remains today. With each year and the evolution of the event, the show still stays true to its founding principles. The decades have introduced new features, such as the U.S. Army SaluteFest, which help to further illustrate the importance of paying tribute to our heroes. Events like these not only entertain, but educate goers on the value our armed forces provide, and the opportunities available to support them.

Each year provides different spectacles, such as the B-2 Stealth Bomber flyover and interactive displays from all of the branches of the U.S. Military, including a U.S. Army M1A2 tank.

National Airborne Day reminds us of the way that event a simple act can have a profound difference. The brave individuals who leapt into the unknown in 1940 took the first step towards a practice that would forever change combat in the United States and worldwide. It is a powerful reminder of how we can write history by taking brave leaps.

Originally published at on August 16, 2023.

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