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 Mickey Markoff 2023 Air and Sea Exec — Photo of family sitting around thanksgiving table with turkey, apples, cheese, wine on table, with man, woman, and dog around table.

Air and Sea Show Executive Producer Mickey Markoff reminds us of the importance of gratitude for our armed forces this Thanksgiving.

As families across the United States gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday steeped in tradition and gratitude, it’s essential to also turn our thoughts to those who have served and continue to serve in the armed forces. Thanksgiving in the U.S. is more than just a celebration of harvest; it’s a day that embodies national gratitude, reflection, and family. This sentiment holds even greater significance within the context of the armed forces, where service members often spend the holiday away from their loved ones, dedicated to protecting the nation. It is a reminder that freedom is not free, and of the true cost of our armed force’s selfless service. Hyundai Air and Sea Show Executive Producer Mickey Markoff has dedicated his life to paying tribute to our nation’s heroes, and Thanksgiving is another day that we can have gratitude for their sacrifices.

The story of Thanksgiving dates back to the autumn of 1621 when the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians shared a feast in Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is commonly considered the first Thanksgiving celebration in the colonies. However, it wasn’t until the turmoil of the American Civil War that President Abraham Lincoln, in a proclamation dated October 3, 1863, declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. Lincoln’s decision came at a pivotal time when the nation was deeply divided, and his call for a day of thanks aimed to unify the country in the midst of conflict. This proclamation set the stage for Thanksgiving to become a vital part of America’s cultural and national identity.

Thanksgiving During Wartime

Throughout American history, Thanksgiving has been observed even amidst the backdrop of war, serving as a poignant reminder of both the blessings and the sacrifices associated with freedom. During the Civil War, soldiers on both sides of the conflict observed the holiday, often with meager rations, using the day to reflect on the hardships and the camaraderie forged in battle. In both World Wars, Thanksgiving took on new meaning as troops stationed overseas celebrated as best they could, often with makeshift feasts and solemn reflections on family and homeland.

Throughout history, our armed forces would observe the holiday. Even the lesser known traditions, like breaking a turkey’s wishbone were preserved, as seen in this illustration from an 1864 issue of Harper’s Weekly:

Illustration of thanksgiving in the US Army, posted on Mickey Markoff 2024 article about US military thanksgiving traditions

During the Vietnam War, and more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, Thanksgiving has continued to be a significant day for the military. Despite the challenges of being deployed, efforts are made to provide service members with a taste of home, be it through traditional Thanksgiving meals or satellite calls to family members. The Department of Defense reminds usof the immense amount of cooperation behind these preparations. The 2023 feast delivered 360,000 to members around the world, requiring preparations months in advance.

These celebrations, though sometimes bittersweet, serve as a crucial link to life back home and a reminder of the enduring spirit of the holiday.

The Armed Forces’ Thanksgiving Traditions

Within the U.S. military, Thanksgiving is not just another day on the calendar; it’s a cherished tradition. Across various branches, efforts are made to provide service members with a semblance of the traditional holiday experience. For many in the military, Thanksgiving becomes a time where the camaraderie of their units takes on a familial aspect. In overseas bases and on ships around the world, military cooks often prepare turkey dinners with all the trimmings to give a taste of home. Commanders might serve meals to their troops as a gesture of gratitude and solidarity. These practices are more than symbolic; they offer comfort, boost morale, and strengthen the bonds between service members during a time that many spend away from their families.

The impact of Thanksgiving on military families is profound, especially for those with loved ones deployed overseas. Communities and military bases often come together to support families with deployed members through communal meals and events. Such gatherings not only provide emotional support but also reinforce the sense of community and shared experience. Additionally, various organizations and charities work to ensure that military families, particularly those facing financial difficulties, have everything they need to celebrate the holiday. For these families, Thanksgiving is a time of pride for their serving members, mixed with the hope for their safe return.

Today, technology brings families together, regardless of distance. Although it may not be the same as sharing the same table, service members stationed abroad can often stay connected with video calls during the holidays. On the home front, parades, special events, and tributes to the military are common, reflecting the nation’s gratitude towards its service members.

Whether it is Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or another day throughout the year, it is important that we reflect upon the sacrifices those in country and abroad who have served or continue to serve our country today. This is one of the driving forces behind Mickey Markoff’s vision for the Air and Sea Show. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s crucial to remember and honor our armed service members and their families. This holiday, steeped in history and tradition, takes on additional layers of meaning within the military context. It’s a time for the nation to express its gratitude not just in words, but through actions that support and acknowledge the sacrifices made for our freedom. Thanksgiving serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience, courage, and dedication of those who serve and have served, and the families who stand with them.

Originally published at on November 23, 2023.

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